Sunday, August 18, 2019 - 11.00 a.m. - 2.30 p.m.

Street Theatre - "Colours of another epoch"


After last year's great success, the CULTURAL SOCIETY LONGOS "LORD BYRON" once again invited to the

Street Theatre
"Colours of another epoch"

on Sunday, August 18, at the village green of Longos and in the arrounding alleys.

The street theatre, in which over fifty performers took part this year as well, began after the Holy Mass at 11.00 a.m..




A journey into the past with a few old photos as ambassadors of memory, reminding us of those old times when our lives were still ... "colored". We begin our journey with an open-air event and invite you to a moving and nostalgic journey through time, showing the unique monumental value of the past century.

Good company and fun with a coffee on the quiet village square in the shade of the old plane tree. Children roam the neighborhoods and streets playing different games than today. Liqueurs and delicacies based on recipes that radiate the taste of another era. Recipes full of love from the old housewives who produced masterpieces with enthusiasm and cheap materials. They knew the art of cooking with creativity and inspiration. The history of a place is the property and the basis of its society. For as Lord Byron said: "The past is the best prophet of the future."

Maria Dourou-Sollbach and Werner Charilaos Sollbach


... have a look at some photos:

With singing and to the applause of the visitors of the village the funny troupe ...

... of the street theatre went through the village to the prelude of the event.

The chairman of the cultural association, Mr. Ierotheos Mourikis (here with the founder of the street theatre in Longos, Mrs. Maria Dourou-Sollbach), welcomed the guests and opened the event. Mr. Georgios Sollbach then led through the morning ...

The chair weaver and ...

... the shoeshine boy - tireless at work.

Also the shoemaker could not complain about unemployment ...

... and the greengrocer with his wheelbarrow sold his goods ...

... while the lawyer was constantly looking for new clients.



The embroiderer and the knitter ...

... and the woman with the spinning skirt and her traditional costume.

Longos was well known for its onion growing ...     ...and also oranges and lemons. The orange cake and liqueur - made according to traditional recipes - were tasted.

The ladies with the stand for medicinal herbs inform the public ...

... and at the sewing machine little marvels came into being.           Another seamstress made little dolls.

The fisherman ... needs help from the chair weaver ...

... and the photographer photographs the guests of the event for a souvenir photo.

      Do you want a Kafedaki?             This is how coffee used to be roasted in every household ...

      ... and the coal-operated iron ...                   ... was as little missing in every house as ...

      ... the carpet beater ...                                                                                          ... and washboard and tub.

The matchmaker tries in vain to get the eternal bachelor under the hood ...

... and the women of the village are engaged in the production of traditional pasta.

Visit from Europe! New ideas come: Hula-Hupp and Twist inspire even the initially sceptical people.

What? The father stubbornly resists his daughter's marriage to the young lad?

There is only one thing that helps: The bride must be kidnapped ...

... and at the wedding feast, everyone reconciled ...


... here a video excerpt of the event(00:34:30):

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... and this is how the television station Ionian Chanel saw it:

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The children took part:

• Theodoros Iliopoulos (Child, grandson and assistant of the chair weaver), •   Metaxia Galani   (Child, granddaughter of the matchmaker ), •    Georgios Kalamidas   (lottery ticket seller), Vasilis Kolokythas   (errand boy), • Elisavet Spirtou (Daughter from a good home), • Konstantinos Spirtos (Assistant of the cook and the coffee roaster), • Alexandros Sotiropoulos (shoeshine boy), • Lidia Sotiropoulou (Daughter from a good home)

and the adults:

• Katerina Athanosopoulou (fine lady), • Ioannis Ioannis Georgoudakis (Visitor), Anastasia Gotsi (southern fruit farmer), •   Mary Dalla (fine lady, mother-in-law), • Panagiota Dimakopoulou (fine lady), • Vasiliki Antonopoulou (fine lady), • Chaido Alexaki (housewife), • Dimitrios Diavatis (fine gentleman, bachelor), • Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos (fine gentleman), • Theodoros Iliopoulos (chair weaver), • Dimitrios Kalamidas (greengrocer), • Paraskevi Kalamida (lady), •   Maria Kanagia (lady from the village), • Georgia Kapori (housewife), • Fotini Kloura (woman with the spinning skirt), • Konstantinos Kolokythas (fine gentleman), • Athanasios Kontoulis (shoemaker), • Vivi Kravariti (ironer), • Akeka Kyritsi (rich lady from Europe), • Antonios Kyritsis (attorney), • Georgia Linardou (production of traditional pasta), • Triada Linardou (embroiderer), • Alexandros Loukopoulos (friend and best man), • Aristotelis Mitropoulos (fisherman), • Dimitra Mitropoulou (knitter), • Eleni Mitropoulou (laundress), • Argyro Mouriki(young woman from the village, bride), • Ierotheos Mourikis (fine gentleman), • Eleni Dourou (southern fruit farmer), • Maria Dourou-Sollbach (customer), • Konstantina Papagerorgiou (woman with herbs and medicinal plants), • Konstantinos Papageorgiou (young man from the village),   •   Konstantinos Papathanasopoulos (fine gentleman, father-in-law),   •   Metaxia Papathanasopoulou (matchmaker), • Anastasia Rodopoulou (domestic helper), • Panagiotis Rodopoulos (young man from the village, bridegroom), • Leonidas Sfikas (the man with the coffee), • Werner Charilaos Sollbach (travelling photographer), • Georgios Sollbach (narrator), • Sofia Sotiropoulou (tailoress), • Theodoros Chrysanthopoulos (fine gentleman), • Panagiotis Chrysanthopoulos (onion seller), • Fotini Chrysanthopoulou (young woman from the village) … and many visitors ...


Thanks to all the contributors and supporters, especially to the Parish of St. Demetrius and Pastor Tsoulka, who provided us with electrical power and Mrs. Athina Drena, who provided the room for the shoemaker.


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